Understanding the SharePoint Home Page
SharePoint Home is a place where every user can find news and followed sites within one singular place.

The news feature that is on the SharePoint Home Page displays news from both Communication Sites and Team Sites that the user has permissions to. The user does not have any specific filtering.
The user has the choice to mark specific articles to save them for later by clicking on the bookmark icon in the lower left of the news article card.

Once bookmarked, the article will appear in the left column under “Saved”.

Frequent Sites
Below the news, there is a section for Frequently Visited Sites. It is a random generation of sites that the user has visited. There isn’t a way to order or see how many times the user has visited the site.

Create a Site
The create a site link at the top of the page is the primary link for the self=service creation of new Communication Sites and Team Sites. If self-service site provisioning has been disabled, the link will not appear in the organization.

Once clicked, the Create a New Site panel will open prompting the user to select which type of site they would like to create.

In the upper left corner, users can search for people, sites, documents or content that exist within a site. The intelligent search capability will show users options of what they may be looking for without having to navigate to a search center page.

At the top of the left column are a small quantity of sites that the user has followed. The list is in no particular order and the user may choose to see all sites they are following by clicking on the “See all” link at the bottom of the section.

Recent Sites
Recent Sites displays in the left column under the Followed Sites. It is a random list of sites that the user has created or visited. They can be a mix of followed sites as well as non-followed sites.