How to Change a Theme in SharePoint 2013

One of the new features available with SharePoint 2013 is the ability to easily change the theme or look and feel of the team site. This can give a new look and feel to your site collection in a few moments. This can be a quick way to brand your site without complicated code and masterpages.
To start, you will want to open up your general start page or Team Site.








The first step will be to click on the cog icon located in the top right of the navigation. The menu will drop and you will want to click on the “Change the Look” link.

Once you click on the link a page will load with several “ready to go” templates that you can easily choose from for your site. Go ahead and choose one of the themes you like.









I chose the Sea Monster theme. You will have several options to choose from to alter aspects of this theme such as colors, fonts and link colors.









You will have several options to choose from to alter aspects of this theme such as colors, fonts and link colors. You can test the theme by clicking on the “Try it out” link at the top of your theme.









It will bring up your theme so that you can see how it will look in your environment. If you like what you see, you can choose the link “Yes, keep it”.
















Congratulations, you are now able to choose a theme that will give personality to your site and a lower level of branding.

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